A. There will be no firearms on the grounds at any time.
B. There will be no hunting on club property.
C. There will be no alcoholic beverages at any time, unless approved for special functions by the Board of Governors.
D. Guests must be accompanied by a member. The exceptions are open shoots and functions, and leagues.
E. Gates should be kept locked, except during open shoots and functions.
F. Using the upper road without approval by the Board is prohibited.
G. Unsportsmanlike conduct, vandalism, and littering are prohibited.
H. Use of club facilities during shoots, work details, special functions, and meetings is restricted (limited shooting may be available at discretion of the Board).
I. Field points or target points ONLY are permitted. The ONLY exception is that broadheads and “practice” broadheads (points with the same aerodynamic contour as their matching head) are permitted in the specially designated broadhead pit.
J. All arrows found on the course must be returned to the clubhouse.
K. Violations of rules can be noted by any club member, and referred to the Board of Governors for appropriate action.
L. All minors (under age 18) must be accompanied at all times by a parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult designated by a parent or legal guardian.
M. Dogs are permitted on club grounds, but must be kept on a leash at all times.
N. Crossbows are permitted, however the shooter must provide his/her own target butt/block.
The York Archers, Inc. Constitution